Team Dangle has been accepted into the PI Wars 2024 competition with a new robot called Dangly Too. Crikey! And in the Advanced category this time!
For the 2020 competition, we entered Dangle and he was nearing completion when the in-person event was cancelled due to Covid. Instead we submitted a video of his capabilities to date, and that can be seen here
For the 2024 competition, we intend a complete rebuild using the experience we have gained over the time since, but still intend to maintain the basic design principles:
Two large driven wheels
The main body of the robot “dangles“ below the wheel axle
A Raspberry Pi 5 in overall control
Sensors include a camera, gyroscope/accelerometer, ToF distance sensors
Attatchments include a grabber and a nerf gun for the challenges
Control will be via a PS4 controller, which can be used as a remote control and to initiate the autonomous challenges.